Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Aged Care Homes and Elder Care Retirement Villages in Burwood Need to Be Extra Careful Amidst the Pandemic

 As the deadly COVID-19 outbreak is continuously unleashing havoc in different countries of the world, the aged adults must remain safe and protected. Although the elder care retirement villages in Burwood and various parts of Australia have made specific arrangements to tackle the situation, the outlined practices must be religiously followed. The slightest slack can lead to a considerable number of the aged persons getting affected, which cannot be afforded at all.

Social distancing is a big challenge

In the retirement villages and the aged care homes, the older seniors are already trying to cope up with several illnesses and impairments. In such situations, a lively chat with fellow residents or an evening spent over a cup of tea amidst a group of such people together has a tremendous therapeutic as well as psychological value in healing them. 

Moreover, several family members and friends are also closely associated with some of the aged individuals in their care journeys. So it becomes essential that they are informed well about the prevailing restrictions. The clear communication will help the different elder care retirement villages in Burwood to ensure maximum safety of the dwellers and also prevent any sudden rules from obstructing their recovery and healing process.

Adopting visitor restrictions 

While it is needless to say that adopting visitor restrictions and sanitisation drives are mandatory, it is equally important to inform the residents about the new practices that are put in place. It is essential to understand that creating residential care facilities not only mean facilitating them but also providing them shelter and the comfort of being at ‘home’. Therefore, elder care retirement villages in Burwood must implement strategies to inform the aged adults in a very constructive manner about the new changes and practices. 

They must be made aware of the use of face masks, hand sanitisation, use of disinfectants, PPE kits and how important it is to keep themselves safe. The second review of the ‘Industry Code on Visiting Residential Aged Care’ has also emphasised more on practising these standard health and hygiene practices.

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